Biomedicine Registered
Massage Therapy
Vision: To support structural alignment and fascial fluidity. Decrease stress. Nurture loving-kindness. Empower movement, structural integrity and balanced energy with skilled touch, anatomical knowledge, and compassion. At Biomedicine, I strive to: Renew. Align. Empower. All those who enter my treatment room.
My approach
I practice myofascial release, deep tissue Swedish techniques, basic craniosacral therapy techniques, frictions for scar tissue re-structuring, and other manual therapy techniques. In the past I was trained in rebalancing bodywork, reiki, Thai massage and Chi Nie Tsang (asian abdominal massage). I utilize some of the manual therapy techniques from these past trainings in my applied practice, such as rhythmic compressions, visceral motility support for the colon and organs, and a gentle face massage that directly supports de-stressing muscles of the face to relax and soften any tension from clenching etc. I have been practicing massage professionally since 2011, and have been a fully registered massage therapist since January 2023, after completing 3 years in RMT school, and deepening my knowledge in anatomy, physiology, pathology & clinical practice. With a focus on presence, I will guide you through a transformative session, individualized to meet our discussed treatment goals, while supporting you to embody yourself fully through your own breath.

Registered Massage Therapy
A treatment designed for your specific physical goals and postural presentation, which can include a thorough assessment, full health history documentation, fascial release, Swedish effleurage and petrissage, trigger point release, scar tissue frictions and some craniosacral therapy intermingled into a full body or more focussed area of treatment. I aim to support muscular and structural re-alignment, nervous system regulation, and create individualized home care, for strengthening, stretching, and de-stressing.
Youth Massage Therapy
Having received massage from age 9yrs old onward, I know first hand the deep benefit of offering therapeutic touch to growing bodies. Treatment helps your child feel more deeply embodied and helps release soreness and tension from sport, dance, school posture, and the stresses of homework and social life. I charge less for youth massage. If the price is still a barrier for you and your child is under 12 or under, please ask about my discounted rate for children.
Craniosacral Informed Touch
My work and studies over the years learning continuum, subtle body movement awareness, meditation, yoga, and our 3 day craniosacral introduction in RMT school, has deeply attuned my hands to the fluid systems of the body and shown me through years of attunement the subtle unwinding of tension, that can happen, when a practitioner listens deeply with their hands. This subtlety informs my practice when needed and when useful to accomplish the releases I am intending, based on my clients presentation.
Abdominal Massage
Abdominal massage supports motility of the colon, nourishes the organs with increased blood flow, and releases fascial restrictions. Abdominal wok can be quite sensitive and occasionally emotional. Fasting for 2 hours before and after is recommended, Treatment includes illiopsoas release. Informed by my Certification in Chi Nei Tsang, and introductory techniques in Visceral manipulation as taught in my RMT training. This is not a replacement for visceral maniputation, which I intend to deepen my studies in, in the coming years, but is a great way to support the organs and colon. By increasing motility we can increase digestive power and elimination, and have you feeling more spaciousness and breath in the core of your body.
Providing you with a nourishing space to rejuvenate
All your appointments take place in this peaceful massage therapy studio with flourishing plants, natural light, and air-conditioning during the hot summer days. Being in the heart of Nelson, we are blessed to have a surprisingly quiet studio space with a view of Gyro Park.
Treatment Location…
My office is conveniently located in the heart of beautiful Nelson, BC, Canada. An outdoor mecca for movement enthusiasts. Visit, Nourish, Move, Rejuvenate. 518 Lake st. Rm. 203 upstairs.

My Rates
As a way of making registered massage therapy accessible to more people across the diverse income spectrums we find in this town, I offer a 4-Teir pricing system. This is an honour system, no questions asked.
High Income
150k-1mil net/year+: $130/hr
Regular Rate
30k-149k net/year: $120/hr
Low Income
10k-30k net/year: $110/hr
Youth Rate
15 and Under: $100/60min, $75/45min
After the first 60 min, it is $30/15 min.
If you are struggling but still in need of registered massage therapy, sign up to be contacted for my occasional discount offerings, or ask about my pricing for a series of monthly treatments.